Sacred Cacao & Blue Lotus Tea Ceremonies


Life is all Ceremony!

Ceremony and ritual help us to acknowledge transitions that we are experiencing and ready to step into; while honoring our past and embracing what we have learned, so that we can release what no longer serves us and come forward into something new. When we come together in ceremony, we gather with intentionality. We are preparing our vessels to fully surrender to the experience; inviting in more love, embracing all that we have learned so far, and read to step into a new phase of life and a deeper understanding of self.

Jessica is deeply committed to ceremony and her plant medicine practice. Though her personal ceremony work and communion with plant medicines she has been able to deeply heal old wounds, release ancestral trauma, and manifest her visions for her future. She wants to be able to share her ceremonial experience with you to guide you further down your path of healing and stepping in to your radiant light & Sovereign Essence.

Ceremonial Cacao

It is 100% pure grade cacao. Planted, farmed & harvested with intention. Cocoa originates in the Amazon and indigenous societies of Mexico, Central America and South America. These cultures have used cacao as a food, a medicine, and a currency for hundreds if not thousands of year. Cacao was highly valued to these ancient cultures and in fact Theobroma (the genius of Cacao) translates as food of the gods. When ingested, it helps to trigger your ‘feel good’ hormones & endorphins, including dopamine, theobromine & anandamide. Cacao is known to increase blood flow to the brain up to 30-40%, supports higher cognitive functions and accentuates a loving and open heart presence. In addition ceremonial cacao supports us to access our emotional and energy body, connecting us deeper with our hearts and bringing out feelings of deep love & gratitude.


Cacao Ceremony:

We will come together in ceremony, each setting an intention, acknowledging what we’d like to let go of and what we like to invite into our lives, in order to align with our souls desires. We will enjoy a cup of ceremonial grade cacao; a high vibrational chocolate sourced from Guatemala

which creates a state of euphoria & clarity, setting the stage for a perfect deep guided meditation. Jessica will take you on a shamanic journey, leading you to the scared Cacao Goddess for insights and answers.

The ceremony will also include various transformational sound elements to help guide you deeper into your meditation. Instruments include: shamanic drums, rain wheel, koshi bells, alchemy crystal bowls, crystal triangle, 22in Dance of Life Gong, 32in Chiron Gong, tongue drum and harmonium. Jessica will incorporate original chants and some Sanskrit mantras as well. During the ceremony we will also tune into our prana, our life force, as we facilitate some cleansing breath-work to release and let go of what no longer serves us. As we come out of our meditative journey there will be space for journaling, sharing of experiences (optional), and selecting oracle card messages to take with you as you continue onto the bigger ceremony, the ceremony of your life!

Blue Lotus Tea

Blue Lotus is The Ancient Egyptian Dream Flower or Flower of Intuition.

This beautiful tea drops you into a lucid dream like state giving the user a sense of peaceful relaxation. Blue Lotus is noted for its calming euphoria, aphrodisiac qualities, and sedation. A perfect vehicle to manifest and envision your future.

The lotus flower is regraded in many different cultures, especially in eastern religions, as a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. The lotus grows out of muddy, murky waters and produces a beautiful pristine flower; a perfect analogy to the human condition as we work through dark, difficult moments of life only to find us rising up stronger and blooming into a beautiful lotus. “No Mud, No Lotus.”


The Blue Lotus Tea Ceremony:

This ceremony asks you to channel from your Eye of Intuition, your Third Eye Chakra to manifest your future. Through this ceremony, a resurgence of your essence will emerge from the muddy darkness into the full illumination of the beautiful essence of your being. You will be called to connect back to your original blue print and remember your soul’s mission & purpose.

Throughout this ceremony you will hear many ethereal vibrational healing instruments to help guide you into a deeper meditative state connecting you more fully to your intention as the opening of your channel, at your crown center, blossoms into a beautiful blue lotus, filtering in any transmissions and codes from the other galactic dimensional realms.


Sacred Exchange for private ceremony is dependent on the type of ceremony, length and amount of people. Please email Jessica directly to discuss these details and plan your Sacred Ceremony today!
