Spiritual Harmony

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Spiritual Harmony


The is the ultimate harmonizing mala. With its beautiful raw quartz guru pendant, this mala will help the wearer to balance & revitalize their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes. The shimmery Labradorite aids one in opening their intuitive capacities creating a direct channel to the spiritual plane. White agate is also a stone of balance & release and is credited with harmonizing the masculine & feminine energies of the body while also releasing toxins and negative energy. There is a small section of Argentinian Lemurian Aquatine Calcite resonates with both the Heart & Throat Chakras and aids in clearing negative energy that may be trapped in these energetic centers.

Length: 17in (88 Bead mala)

*All malas were intentionally made by me in a mindful Japa meditation practice.  A mantra was recited while stringing each and every bead and the final mala was blessed.  These creations are made with Love & in Deep Devotional Prayer. *

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