Take Me to Tabet

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Take Me to Tabet

Sale Price:$89.00 Original Price:$111.00

This 108 Bead Mala is for Balance & Protection. The Moonstone & Sunstone combination balance the masculine & feminine energies in the body. While Snakeskin Jasper also helps you to find balance within the body, mind & spirit. In addition, Snakeskin Jasper is a protective and calming stone, guarding against negativity. It also supports you on your journey through any transformations & transitions that are taking place. The Tibetan Dzi Agate beads also hold the power to protect its wearer from negative energy and to attract good fortune and prosperity. The unique patterns and designs on the Dzi beads are believed to represent various deities and symbols of protection, making them a powerful talisman.

Length: 22in

*All malas were intentionally made by me in a mindful Japa meditation practice.  A mantra was recited while stringing each and every bead and the final mala was blessed.  These creations are made with Love & in Deep Devotional Prayer. *

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